Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
My guess is Joseph is taking care of family matters at this time.

Sherod, U-DA-MAN !!
Hi to all. Hope all of you are well and still abundant in these interesting times. I am very happy to see this thread is back. Just reporting in on changes. Still using my AH 2.1 with early 60's Siemens CCA's. Now have Kool Cable gold Silkworm IC and Nuforce Reference 9V2 SE mono amps and am enjoying the sound with the AH - good synergy.
It is great to hear that an AH amp is on the way. I emailed Victor in January a few times and each time received an immediate response, so maybe he is not receiving sltrains mail - perhaps call them to check? As email servers have tightened up I notice that now at times my email is blocked and stuff going to me is shunted to deleted or spam that is from private parties that I know.

Hello Siltrains. I responded to your post earlier this morning that My server acts up from time to time and I never received your emails. If you don't hear back from Joseph or me within 48 hours, assume for some reason we never received the email and try again.

Perhaps you will get this message in a different form when the moderator approves my first post.

I would love to hear his new amp, but am sad to hear it is a SET amp and won't work for many full range systems. I was hoping Joseph would make an amp that could work in a broader range of systems.

I own Silverline Bolero speakers that are 92db effecient and 8 ohms. While a SET amp could run them to decent volumes, it can't run them to the very loud levels I sometimes like.

Others will get to enjoy his new amp, but it seems Joseph choose a smaller target audience with the decision to go the SET route.