Audio Horizons fuses.... won’t buy them again...

I’ve bought 5 Audio Horizons Platinum fuses a couple of months ago, for my amps, speakers and DAC.
Three days ago, coincidentially, the 5A fuses on my mono amps (Rogue Apollos), blew at the same time on start up. Replaced them with the OEM fuses, and everything works again.
I have a very good electrical installation, with independent lines for each amp, a no surges or anything strange occurred. My speakers, Evolution Acoustics MM3s are always ON, and nothing happened to the fuses on them.
I emailed Joseph Chow inmediately and his response was to send the fuses back to him (at my cost, I live in Ecuador...), to repair them for $70/each, plus shipping.
I have paid $138 for each fuse in October, and no warranty?... what a shame!!!
Won’t buy these fuses again, NEVER!!!

Showing 14 responses by georgehifi


Is that all you've got, this is just another boutique fuse ripoff, from another manufacture, making 600% markup on something that should be $2.
You really need to be cleansed by your leader David Miscavige for peddling this snake oil.

Cheers George  
garypennstate7 posts01-06-2018 2:01pmHow do you repair a fuse? Wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to just replace it.

leog2015 OP44 posts01-06-2018 2:05pmAbsolutely!!!

Even the repair department is cashing up on this snake oil hysteria. Next they'll be charging extra for special vacuum sealed postage, so you know your getting them fresh.

Cheers George 
Oh well......
Try this type of slo-blo fuse in your power amp/s. It has built in wiggle room.
Still confused, and testy as well.
Then you should have directed this directly at the OP, not just as general comment at me or anyone’s amp or amps, to give them some amperage "wiggle room" that just plain dangerous.

Taken from the Electronics Engineering hand book:
"Fuse ageing by switching loads.

The fuse wire gets hot and expands when current flows. At high temperatures, oxidation may happen, which weakens the wire mechanically, and may be electrically, too. Switching on/off a load means the wire is bent each time. This stress may cause a blown fuse at some point even when the current never exceeded the threshold."

This applies to slow or fast blow fuses.,

Cheers George
You’re drifting from the subject.
No, sorry, your confused.

Try this type of slo-blo fuse in your power amp/s
Never ever do this if the manufacturer hasn't used it, or you may cook many components, instead of a couple if it goes faulty.

Cheers George 
For all I know it is a picture where the fuse was subjected to an overloaded condition beyond its’ ampere rating for a period of time.
Believe what you want, next time you switch on a high current draw amp, see if you can see the resistive element inside the mains fuse move and bend a little.
That’s why in an amp with no problems, if the old mains fuse mysteriously blows, it’s 99.999% of the time at the switch on surge

Cheers George


1 and 2 are good that have not been stressed by overloads or a high voltage transient event/s.

4 and 5 are clearly blown.

If your asking no. If your telling wrong.
They are the same fuse over time, and none are blown, all functional just shown the decay that happens over too many switch on surges. The parts you think are open circuit are in fact just white carbon build up on the resistance wire.
You can search for the origins, as I posted these up years ago, when all this fuse snake oil started.

Cheers George
Expectation bias can be easily eliminated by careful testing and listening. It’s not really that difficult.
And it's obvious that you can't do either, especially when you state they are directional.

All your maybe hearing is an old fuse (pictured) that seen too many turn on cycles, verses a new fuse, you may as well just get a new $2 fuse instead of the $130 boutique one.

Cheers George
Go back through the fuse threads and you’ll see that this argument has already been shot down.

Really!! think about it. Your comparing your new "boutique" $$$ fuse to an old $2 original one that’s seen many turn on cycles from when the unit was new, and is carbon’ed up and bent out of shape as in the pics.
(left is new, right is after many turn on cycles)
You have no argument, all you have is " expectation bias".

Cheers George
purport to *hear* an improvement when switching from a manufacturer supplied fuse to a boutique aftermarket fuse.
Simple answer to that one, "they don't". If you know your ac/mains theory, it's just not possible. 

What they do hear is "expectation bias" waiting for it to arrive after spending $130 on a $2 fuse. Or their replacing an old fuse that's had too many turn on surges over time and carbonising and getting ready to blow like this pic below.
There's no way they could reliably pick the difference in a blind A/B.

Cheers George 
twoleftears387 posts01-02-2018 5:38amSo if I only need 0.25A in the first place, and go up to 0.5A, that's still doubling the value. Hmmm.
Don't do it, the one who said that has no idea on safety or of mains or ac theory, and his advice is about as useful as ***'s on a bull.

Or if your being facetious with your question, I'm with you 100%.

Cheers George.
Audio Horizons: "We can reworking your fuse once it return and cost $70 each plus shipping".

Happy holiday! “

$70!!! bucks to fix a fuse. What next!!!

Save your $$ and throw it away as you would with a blown fuse.
And get a approved rated for your equipment $2.00 fuse from anywhere, Digikey, Farnell, Element 14, and many other suppliers of electronic components.
They may even have some $4.00 "special" ones that have branded ends.
There are 7325 to choose from here none much over $2, this should ring a bell about "audio" mains fuses
Cheers George
I will try the SR Blacks next time.

Do some homework on ac theory, don't become another fuse patsy.
For the fuse snake oil manufactures, it's a massive mark up for them, where else can you get  600% on your dollar invested, that's why it's hammered here so much and relentlessly done.     

Cheers George 
Won’t buy these fuses again, NEVER!!!

Just stay away from the fuse snake oil, it's all BS just to get your dollars.

Cheers George