Audio gear, sonic quality when you listen in less (or non-) focused ways

I'm wondering about how folks listen to their audio, and to what degree the quality of the sound is important, or, perhaps how it differs.

Here are four kinds of listening I can think of. (Did I miss any?)

FL - Focused listening -- sitting at focal point, concentrating on music and/or acoustic qualities.

SFL - Semi-focused listening -- listening is the central but not only activity (sitting in front of audio, listening but also reading, playing games, emailing, etc.)

CL - Casual listening -- listening to music but also involved in equally important tasks (cooking, doing dishes, laundry, etc.)

AL - Accidental listening -- music is on but it is in the background, mostly (music at party, just on for ambience)

For the kinds of listening other than FL, what do hope your audio gear can produce? What kinds of tonalities, soundstage, lows/mids/highs, transient response, dynamics, etc. does it need to produce? Are there other things that this gear needs to do that is different than your main rig? How good does the sound need to be? (In other words, how cheap a solution are you willing to get away with for those other kinds of listening? What do you use?)


Showing 1 response by asctim

If I'm doing focused listening on the music, the sound quality is surprisingly unimportant - so long as nothing is horribly off I'll be OK because I'm focusing on the music itself and my mind is able to do a tremendous amount of "error correction" for less than optimal sound quality. If I'm doing focused listening on the sound quality, then of course the sound quality is everything. 

SFL - the best kind of listening in my opinion  in terms of listening for sound quality. I become less judgmental of sound quality and generally enjoy myself a lot. I do notice sound quality in this setting, so it's still fairly important. As long as there are some noticeable good qualities to the sound I'll get a lot of enjoyment, picking up on the good without being very critical of the bad. I think I enjoy music the most in SFL too. Music can be listened to as a total point of focus, but it often works so well to enhance other activities when attention is shared between the two that I think I have richer overall experiences that way.

CL & AL  As long as it's not screeching horrible sound quality doesn't matter too much in these settings for me. It's still nice to have some quality though.