Audio Friends Don't Let Audio Friends ...

Your fellow audiophile who always had a system you enjoyed

makes a significant change in gear. You find it to be a major

downgrade in SQ in one way or another.


You know the person does not have a trial period covering the new purchase. 



Do you tell them exactly how you feel about the change

or simply smile thinking- everyone hears differently so 

you should not provide a true statement of your feelings?


How have you treated this situation in the past?




Showing 1 response by johnweiss

If you are a true friend, you respond as a friend. You are honest, respectful, and acknowledge you may hear things differently.  Our ears are all different. That's why there is so much equipment designed for different environments and financial situations..  His may be different from yours; doesnt mean you're right or wrong. Doesnt mean he is right,,,or wrong [even though you/he may be😏].  Respect your differences, share your experiences and opinions, and have a couple beers 😉  Enjoy!