Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaning System

Can anyone comment on the Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner?
I just came across this today on the web when I did a search on ultrasonic vinyl cleaner. I am looking for a quiet record cleaning machine. I have a nitty Gritty machine but it is too noisy.
in the video it uses one of the first chips for drying. The latest version lasts a bit longer, speeds up the record two more turnes and is more efficient.
The Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaning System does work very nicely , the convenience and no mess is a huge plus.I did have an issue early on as not all the brushes would engage and rotate to clean.. I think that was just an issue of the machine being brand new and maybe a bit stiff.I do check to make sure the record starts properly ,sometimes ,rarely some records are reluctant to start.A counter rotation push as per instructions takes care of that.Yes it is not dead quiet but much quieter than my VPI 16.5 which required lots of hands on labor, did the job but was labor intensive.
the other feature that i really like is you can easily set the length of time to clean from the factory 5 minutes default on up to ? I usually wash a record twice a long and short just to get that little extra clean..Now this machine is pricey but i am very happy with it...feel free to email me should you need any real user info. ps i have made approx 5oo clean cycles .

sounds like a great machine. Don't the brushes get dirty? How do you clean the brushes? How long do the brushes last? Replacement cost? Just curious since there is a lot of buzz about this machine.
Dmgrant1, you may pull the brushes off and wash them with water. The same you have to do with the white sponge like part in the top left rear which is filtering the water.