Audio Debt?

Are people going into medium or even long term debt to purchase their audio equipment?

Just curious.
I financed my first system in 1973. I had forgotten that until I read Ozfly's confession. Ever since then, I have provided myself with upgrades by trading audio equipment. In fact, after thirty-odd years of swapping, I'm very sure that I have no money at all in my system and might actually have profited. Who knows?
Certainly, when the years of use and enjoyment are factored in, I can say I have profited enormously.
This would seem to indicate that I am philosophically opposed to borrowing to buy audio gear, but after reading some of the arguments here, I can see where it makes sense for some. After all, if you buy new, depreciation on this stuff badly eclipses any reasonable interest rate. However, if you are paying a credit card company 23.99%, refer to the first post by Narrod.
Yeah, I have put AV purchases on a credit card, and then fail to pay the entire balance at every statement. So that means (relatively) short-term debt. It comes and goes. I get a decent annual bonus, which goes first to paying off any unpaid balances. Beats having to wait, and I'm doing my part for the economy - at least somebody's economy.
Another point to consider is that not everybodys family situation is the same. If you're married with kids to feed, going into deep debt is a bad idea IMO. But if you are single - its a different story....
If you spend more time working to pay off you system, instead of enjoying your've gone entirely too far.