Audio Consulting on fire at Munich High-End Show

At Saturday night on Munich High-End Show, some electronic gear catched fire in the Audio Consulting/Hiraga booth. The fire sprinkling system extinguished the fire, but also flooded three neighbour booths. See the Munich fire department report:

and with even better pictures:

best regards, Hartmut

Showing 1 response by hifidaddy

The links at Munich fire department changed with end of month:

PDF with pics:

Overview of May events:

BTW, I think overvoltage might be real problem with tube equipment, where safety margins are on the low side. I ha´d been on a Berlin gathering of DIY folks on that weekend of the HighEnd show, and in a thunderstorm and lightning, we also experienced overvoltage and had some smoke coming from one tube power amp, until the building's fuse triggered.

Then, exploding batteries during the process of charging is not unknown. Friends of mine, who work with mains generation for their gear, experienced that.

best regards, Hartmut