Audio Artistry Beethoven - heard it?

Has anyone owned or heard this speaker. According to one who should know, it is the only speaker to outperform the Quad 63 and Apogee Scintilla for what they do, openness, naturalness, and overall loveliness of sound on acoustic music.

Showing 2 responses by albertporter

I heard a demo of them at CES several years ago and to this day consider the Beethoven among the best speakers I've ever heard. I was shocked at the price then, I wonder what they sell for now?

As for comparing them to Apogee Scintilla, that is no contest in my opinion. I would absolutely choose the Beethoven.

The Quad is such a different speaker, I wouldn't know how to compare them. The Quad and Beethoven are both on my favorite top ten speakers list.
Muralman1, that's why there are choices.

I could not own the Scintilla, especially after hearing Soundlab. The Quads are error by omission. Not the bandwidth of Scintilla or Soundlab, but what they do, they do nearly perfect.