I have a buddy running the Beethoven's. For listening, he runs an SME 30 with Klyne phonostage, Theta Gen Va DAC with Jade transport, Sutherlund pre, BEL monoblocks (6 of them to tri-amp the beethovens), and some electronic room correction device (make escapes me - technicians delivered it and dialed it in on site). This system throws the widest soundstage I have ever heard. One note about his Beethoven's - he special ordered them with double stacked sub towers. These things can effortlessly recreate 32' organ pipes. His system does everything right. Jazz, classical, swing, rock, you name it. Effortless. If you have the $, they are to die for. And easy on the eyes to boot. Even the outboard tri-wire crossovers have a furniture grade finish. And get this, he also uses them with a pair of A.A. Dvorak's as surrounds for home theatre. I'm not sure what the center channel is called, but it is A.A. also. The coolest theatre I've ever sat in. Even better than the Krell Reference Theatre (IMHO), which I have had the honor of demo'ing.