Audio and HT - Finding Balance

Long time lurker with a first time post.

The question of the day-month-year (and the one that I find myself very interested in at the moment) seems to be this:

(1) I've got a great audio system and now I'd like to add HT to the mix. What is the best way to keep my great audio set-up (and the flexibility that I've grown accustom to) and add HT? More specifically, if I add HT what is just ok, what is good, and what is great?


(2) I'm (re) building a system. I'm really interested in great music reproduction, but I would also like HT. Again - what is the best way to add HT? What is just ok, what is good, and what is great?

Two months ago I was in category 1. After a house fire, I now fall into category 2.

I've seen this question asked 100 time in many specific posts, but I'm looking for a general discussion.

Frankly, I'm lost. Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by dustyr

Just to clarify my situation. None of my original equipment survives, so I am back to square one, building from scratch. There really isn't a set budget - once I decide what I want in a new system, I'll set an appropriate budget and start shopping.

I'm really trying to answer a more general question. In the "old days" I would get the best combination amp, pre-amp, tuner, cd player, phono (probably skipping that now due to DOA record collection), and pair of speakers I could afford. Lots and lots of options in products/quality/price, but, generally speaking, one architecture. Easy to upgrade one piece at a time.

Now, with HT, I don't know if that logic applies anymore. For example - I could build the system above and then have a completely seperate HT setup with a different architecture. This would maintain flexibility, provide good sound, but double or triple the cost. Or, I could just build a great HT system and also use it for music by turning the unused parts off. Or, there may be 50 other options out there. I feel lost, because I don't know what all the choices are.

And, I get more confused as I type 8-{ This must be why I lurk and don't post.