Audio Alchemy DDS Pro Tweak

i 've anaudio alchemy DDS PRO transport (with PT combo)
i m theanking about tweaks for my transport
is somebody have ideas ?
I use SICOMIN shelve under mu DDS PRO.France made !!!!! It made a nice diference. Its made of carbon on one side and kevlar on the other. Werry light with 3 spikes under. You can find them on Ebay for $100.
I'd certainly start by putting a Neuance Shelf under it, and then probably cones between it and the Shelf. But you have to worry about what's under the Shelf too--spikes are best, according to Ken Lyon, who will give you helpful advice if you ask. I think he can be reached these days at, but a Google search should locate him if that's wrong. I've used Neuance Shelves under various components: transports, CD players and turntables. In each case, the improvement was "not subtle", as reviewers say.