Audio Aero Prima vs. Resolution Audio Opus 21

We currently own the Prima, and have heard the Opus 21, though only for a short audition, and not in our home. Just curious what you might think of the differences? We love the warmth and intimacy of the Prima. It could perhaps dig a little deeper for increased dynamics and resolution. We may spend the $150 to try out the Opus 21, but my concern is having a non-tube player. There is a certain thinness and dryness to most digital that I don't care for. We would spend up to $3K as necessary, but are for a number of reasons apprehensive about the modded players.
We prefer the dimensionality and airy sound of the Prima to the pristine accuracy of say, the Audio Note CDP/DAC's.
Any thoughts and/or recommendations? Stick with what we have? Spring for a $1000 interconnect? OK, not so fast!
I bought the AM used, from another A'gon member. What is the second outlet for? Why do they put the little diamond symbol on one of the outlets? Doesn't this sound like a conversation on Star Trek?
Thanks, Warren.

Sorry, I meant that it has two sockets, not outlets. I'll never master this language!

OK, back to the Prima vs Opus Battle Royal...
Who's the lucky turd who got the RA Opus 21 for $1999? I sent the seller an email offering $2,200, but it was too late... I went ahead and closed a deal for $2,500 on another one. I've never hear the Primus, but have heard the Opus on another system (which is very similar to mine). From tubas to triangle, it was absolutely real!
In your case I would buy the Ayre CX-7 e add some damping material, buy an Electraglide Mini Khan Plus power cord, Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II IC´s (balanced) and sit back and relax. I once had a Prima that was quite quickly replaced by the Ayre (more liquidity, speed, space, detail and transparency, great mids, bass was o.k.). Sold it now because awaiting the new Ayre C-5 XE. Can´t comment on the Opus 21 but according to the German press it is on the better side of cd-playback. But would recommend AudioNet Art V2 - a bestseller in German high-end audio.
Thanks for the recommendation, Frankpiet.
I just bought a barely used Opus 21. I just had
to try it out. It will be here next week. I heard
the APL modded Denon 3910 last weekend, and that was
an awesome player. It gave a presence and body to the music that sounded so natural.
We are also using the Mini Khan Plus--the best I've found yet, though I certainly haven't tried everything out there.
Thank you again.

Howard/Boa2: After the R/A arrives, it would be interesting to hear of your thoughts regarding the Opus 21 vs 3910. A post of same would be welcomed....
I'll be happy to do that, Mrmb. Obviously, we'll have
to keep in mind that the Opus 21 will be here in our own system/room, while the APL 3910 was in another.
I'll get back to you!

We just received the Opus 21. I've been playing it for the last 7 hours. It is near new, so it is not fully burned in yet. I am running it directly into a pair of George Wright 2A3 SET amps, Klipsch La Scala horn speakers, augmented by an ACI Titan sub.

First off, the Opus 21 is an extraordinary player. From top to bottom, it has uncluttered clarity, dynamics, and perfect balance in all frequencies. It has no glare, and has a very natural, analog-like sound. The reviews I've read describe the player accurately. It almost sounds tube-like, though not quite so warm. With the stringed instruments, there is a palpability and tension that really grabs you. The midrange is spacious and airy. The dynamics and instrument separation are also right on.

My wife came home and 'spun' her 5 or 6 reference discs, and concluded exactly what I've written above. "I want the APL for my birthday," she then said. "This player is perfect except for that last bit of emotion that I heard in the APL." I refer to it as a fleshy quality to the music, and it is specifically what we look for in a player. We both agreed that in most systems, the Opus 21 would be stellar, perfect actually. She said that she usually finds herself tearful at the sound of the La Scala's, and the source must pair up accordingly. So there you have it.

"Did you hit the SEND button yet?" she's yelling from the other room, insisting that I order her the APL right this moment. As soon as the APL is ready, we'll be selling a 4-5 week old Opus 21 to some lucky audiophile.

All the best,
Boa2/Howard: Thanks for the comparison!
I did have the opportunity of auditioning the Opus 21 in my system last year, and your description highly correlated to my experience; especially you string palpability comment. Additionally, as you, both my wife and I thought the top to bottom coherence of the Opus was one of its many positive traits -- overall a very good player indeed! So, having that baseline, your comparison is highly relevant....Thanks, Mike
Hi Vince,
Sorry but...the Opus 21 is up for sale, all crated and ready to go. We put a deposit down on the APL, so we're selling the more expensive player first. The AA Prima will be for sale when the APL is ready.
And Mike, you're quite welcome. I thought the 6 Moons review was accurate in describing the sound and many attributes of the Opus 21.