Audio Aero Prima vs. Resolution Audio Opus 21

We currently own the Prima, and have heard the Opus 21, though only for a short audition, and not in our home. Just curious what you might think of the differences? We love the warmth and intimacy of the Prima. It could perhaps dig a little deeper for increased dynamics and resolution. We may spend the $150 to try out the Opus 21, but my concern is having a non-tube player. There is a certain thinness and dryness to most digital that I don't care for. We would spend up to $3K as necessary, but are for a number of reasons apprehensive about the modded players.
We prefer the dimensionality and airy sound of the Prima to the pristine accuracy of say, the Audio Note CDP/DAC's.
Any thoughts and/or recommendations? Stick with what we have? Spring for a $1000 interconnect? OK, not so fast!

Showing 2 responses by swampwalker

Actually, that's what I am concerned about. I've been listening to some modded U-players and they are beating the EMC (CD to CD) in terms of resolution, but the EMC is a bit "fuller" if I can use that term. So now I want both!
don't mean to hi-jack this thread, but anyone out there heard the RA Opus 21, compared to an EMC-1UP SE?