Audio Aero Capitole vs. Audiomeca Mphisto II

Have you compared these two?

Showing 1 response by rayhall

I bought an Audiomeca Enkianthus DAC. This is the outboard DAC in the Mephisto II. I used it with my Philips CD-80 as a transport, using Acoustic Zen Mc2=Zen interconnects between the two. Smooth liquid midrange. Great high frequency extension. Detail, soundstage, airiness and imaging like I had never heard. Where it did not measure up was in the bass extension, bass weight and overall dynamics department. Even though I loved the characteristics mentioned above, I couldn't live without the power, the attack that I feel a good digital setup should display. The music usually sounded too delicate. I sold the unit after several weeks. Admitedly, I did little experimentation with digital interconnects and none with power cords. I haven't heard the Audio Aero yet.