Audio Aero Capitole Reference / PC - Isolation?

I'm acquiring an AA Capitole Reference SE player. It has replaced the AA Prima MKII. What Power Chord and Isolation are others using with the unit? My existing PC ( Shunyata Taipan Helix VX ) is too short. It worked extremely well with the Prima MKII. Since the Capitole will sit on top of the rack verses inside the rack. I have to get a longer chord. I'm also interested in what Vibration Isolation others are using with the player. Thank you in advance for your input.

Showing 1 response by lacee

I second the Shunyata Anna Helix(non magic crystals).
I use the stock feet but put the tips into the screw hole section of the Black Diamond square mini blocks.
The blocks are blue tacked onto a steel plate and that on top of a butcher block on a generic metal rack that has been damped and filled.
The PC I should note is conected to a Shunyata Hydra 2 that is directly connected to a dedicated 30 amp line .
I used to use a 20 amp Anna Helix to run the Hydra into a Furman IT 1220, but after trial and error,the hydra directly connected to a dedicated line with a 20 amp iec seems to improve the sound the way others say the upgrades do.
My take on this is that the stock player is only as good as the power it receives.
Improve the power to the player and it will reward you with improved sound.
I would like to try a SE modded version of my player to compare, but in the interim,I have substantially improved all aspects of the Capitole's sound for the better.