Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 too foward and bright?

Does anyone else feel this player (MKI) is too foward sounding and bright? It sounds as though the voices are too foward and separate from the rest of the music. The sound is extremely clear, but almost too clear. It doesn't have that warm, rich analog sound that everyone raves about. I believe my player is fully burned in. How many hours are required to fully burn in this player? Does it get better with extended use? I have never heard of anyone complain of this. I would appreciate anyone's experience with this player. Thanks so much!

Showing 2 responses by jtinn

SOS: It was my understanding you could not get the line. As a matter of fact a mutual customer of ours shared with me that you preferred the Capitole when you were trying to get the product. I certainly am not looking at engaging you, but no one asked about how it compares with the EMC or the Audiomeca. What is your motivation?

I am a dealer for the Audiomeca as well and while it is terrific, I prefer the Audio Aero Capitole because it has a volume control and in reality is a preamp in it's own right. The Audiomeca does not have the volume control nor the output of the Capitole. If it did, then it might be closer.

The Capitole runs directly into the amplifier with less connections and less circuitry to travel through. The purity of sound, musicality and clarity is unlike anything else out there. I value that more than anything for my listening.

Musicmannj: I agree with the other posters that your cable or something else in your system is probably playing a detremental role in your sonics.
I would like to apologize to SOS for my comment in the first paragraph of my response. After reading it again, once the post was made, I realize it may have been a bit harsh. I was out of line.

Although I feel the way I do about SOS' comments, it would have been more proper for me to respond to it in email.
