Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 too foward and bright?

Does anyone else feel this player (MKI) is too foward sounding and bright? It sounds as though the voices are too foward and separate from the rest of the music. The sound is extremely clear, but almost too clear. It doesn't have that warm, rich analog sound that everyone raves about. I believe my player is fully burned in. How many hours are required to fully burn in this player? Does it get better with extended use? I have never heard of anyone complain of this. I would appreciate anyone's experience with this player. Thanks so much!

Showing 1 response by boato2

I have owned the AA Mkl and am also waitig on delivery of the Mkll based on what the Mkl did. It is anything but bright and that is comming through horn speakers. I have to feel that the brightness is related to other components of your system. Try running the AA direct to your amp and then try other cables if it still sounds bright. I would not be too quick to put it on the market. It will probably sell quickly and you may well regret it.
Best of luck,