Audio Aero Capital CD vs SACD

Has anybody compared the Audio Aero Capital CD vs SACD and more than a couple of cd's demo.Thanks

Showing 2 responses by mzn50

thanks Mike, great honest review. What would happen if you used the Capitol as a transport and used an external DAC ? could it be that the internal DACs limit the success of the player.. in either case, both players were direct to a Preamp using there own DACS ?

I think the major question would also be, can the linn be justified at approx $13K more ?.. then again, it a question of what you want to hear if money is no object.
>>Listening to vinyl on Mike's Rockport turntable was a trancendent experience. We were falling off our chairs and there was applause after many songs<<

That's it Mike ... Im buying an airline ticket ! :)