Audio Aero and Accustic Arts

I've recently added Accustic Arts DAC to my system. I'm pleased with the new sound it brought to the system. Compared to Linn Unidisk the upper frequency is more extended and airy, and the vocals sound more natural.

I'm thinking of continuing with upgrade on the DAC. While Accustic Arts Tube DAC is highly regarded, unfortunately it's out of my budget. I've been looking around, and the DAC and CDP from Audo Aero caught my eyes. I like the fact that they have tube output stage and analog domain volume control. It looks like DAC is somewhat rarer than the CDP. Has anyone compared Audio Aero with Accustic Arts DAC?

How are the Audio Aero CDP? Do all models have tube output stage and analog volume control? I see some models with digital input and/or analog preamp section. Were there offered as an option?

Showing 1 response by cattie

I am a user of Audio Aero Prestige SACDP (for more than 2 years) and agree Audio Aero is prone to technical deficiency.

Having said that, I am one of those 'very happy and loyal customers' and plan to upgrade along the Audio Aero product family.