Audience Telfon Auricaps

I am contemplating replacing the auricaps in my Air Tight ATE-2001 Pre-amp and ATM-211 power amps with the new teflon caps. Has anyone tried the telfon auricaps? How do they compare to other caps like the blackgates and the paper-in-oil caps?

Showing 1 response by bblilikoi

I've Audience Auri-T caps in a deHavilland Mercury 3 preamp I like quite a lot. The effect is transparency with finesse, some say clarity. I haven't heard Blackgates, though their reputation is formidable. Finally, paper-and-oil caps can impart a richness and lushness to a sound, a certain kind of organicism, especially in power amps, but they can also cause a kind of sluggishness. I have them in a pair of monoblocks I'm using now and they're wonderful, but used in conjunction with an Auricap and two Jensen oil caps. I know the Air Tight equipment and my guess is that you might like the Auri-T Teflon caps, but I'd hesitate re the paper-and-oil, as those may change the sonic signature of the Air Tight electronics too much, taking away liveliness, top-end extension, resolution, and speed. I had an ATM-2 for many years and loved it--stock! I wish I'd have had the sense to get an Air Tight preamp like the ATC-2 to drive it, but I sold it before I figured out that it might've performed best with its own preamp. You're smarter than me!