Audience Au24 Bi-wire or w/Jumper with N803

Hi Everyone,
Everyone specifically using Au24 bi-wire or with a pair of jumper with N803, your experiences/opinions/recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Other gears: mc352, c2200.

Showing 3 responses by zaikesman

I own both Satori and Au24, and the Au24 is my preference (on Thiel floorstanders similar in size to 803's, which as I mentioned above cannot be biwired). Satori is a warmer, "fatter" sounding cable, but IMO is not as fast or neutral as Au24. Au24 has excellent, tactile bass, though it doesn't roll off the highs to make it seem like more than it is. I enjoy the Satori, but to me the Au24 is ultimately more transparent and natural sounding. I also didn't find that Satori gave a deeper soundstage -- if anything, it's more of a "they are here" cable, the Au24 more "you are there".
More different than simply being a 2-into-4 double-run of the same basic cable?
My Au24 is single-wire and my speakers aren't biwire-capable, so I can't answer your question directly. However, if I were in your shoes and already owned the single-wire cabling and speakers in your question, I'd make the exact comparison you propose by doing it with one speaker, using both runs of cable (left and right) to biwire and listen in mono.