Audience Au24 Bi-wire or w/Jumper with N803

Hi Everyone,
Everyone specifically using Au24 bi-wire or with a pair of jumper with N803, your experiences/opinions/recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Other gears: mc352, c2200.

Showing 2 responses by cmrkyeung

Zaikesman, I have not purchase the cables yet, it is a big investment, want to make sure I make the right decision. However; your recommendation is very interesting and will try it if I have the cables.
Jwpstayman, thank you very much for your comment. The reason I posted this thread is b/c I used to see B&W bi-wired at my local dealers; however, the last few times I visited them, they started to do single with good jumpers. They did not provide specific as to why. I thought it might be a cost/convenient issue. I also spoke to Terry from AU, he also recommended single run w/jumpers.