Audible low level humm from Vincent st-70

I'm experiencing a low level hum from my speakers when connected to my Will Vincent st-70 that is audible when not playing music. It is constant and does not increase or decrease with volume setting. Replacing the amp with a SS amp eliminates the humm. I have tested all the tubes and replaced the ones that showed weak. All current tubes show strong with two of the Kt77's showing minor grid leakage but still well within the good range. Humm is in both channels. The amp sounds great but I find the humm annoying between discs. Even though my GZ34 rectifier tube tested good could it be the problem?

Showing 3 responses by ghostrider45

Is it 120 or 60 hz hum? If it's 120 hz it would suggest something power supply related since the power supply almost certainly uses full wave rectification which results in 120 hz ripple.

60 hz hum could be pick up from power lines, ground loop problems, heater to cathode leakage in tubes (unlikely since you've tested them and tried substitutes), or any of a number of other things.
If it's 120 hz hum, look to the power supply. If you're into mods larger value filter capacitors might be the ticket. I have no idea of the circuit topology of this amp, so it's hard to say much more....
Did a quick search on your amp and came up with this thread: