Audible Illusions M3B question

I month ago I decided to trade in my older AI Modulus 2 for a new M3B, sending in my money for a trade-in and have heard nothing since. My emails have gone without response, and phone calls to Jerry (described as service manager) are not answered and with no voice message ability--just rings. Needless to say, I am becoming worried that I've been scammed by these folks. Has anyone encountered similar issues? Any suggestions?

Showing 1 response by chili5555

It is very sad to see this wonderful sounding product suffer due to the very poorest imaginable customer service. 

I have owned an M3A and now own an M3B. I also went through a very long wait with many ignored phone calls and many broken promises to get my M3B.

I have always used the factory tubes and in about 25 years of use between the two preamps, have lost but one single tube.

I hope my money, my wife and my M3B outlive me. If my M3B dies, I shall regrettably look elsewhere.