Audia Flight FL 10 with Harbeth Super HL5 Plus...Interconnects??????Speaker Cables ??????

I have found the sound I have been searching for. Wondering if anyone out there is running The Audia and what speaker they are utilizing and most importantly what cabling they are using for speakers and interconnects. I am currently using Cardas "Parasec"....I am happy with the sound but these cables are what I have been using with my still used Marantz Pre with Bryston Amp. Very happy with the sound but would like to try a different cable.......I found the Parasec did not add a bunch of color to the sound and this is what I appreciate about them. What you all using with the Audia? What other neutral cables would you recommend?

Showing 1 response by kastor77

Hi @transience, Just seen this post of yours. Do you still have the FLS 10? Are you still happy please? Thank you very much.