Attractive room treatment is it possible?

I have in the past while searching on the web wondering why there is not a more attractive room treatment out there? I have in the past like many experimented with different treatments such as RPG,Sonex,Roomtunes and yes the diy treatments. I have also read audiophiles placing huge roles of toiletpaper in the corners for tube traps.I for one have always been somewhat embarresed with inviting people to listen because of the "NUT" factor with room treatments. I was once made fun of by a ex when she told her friends I was living in a padded cell "Sonex on the walls" Even using corner traps way up high made some eyes role around. I am now at the point that I have not treated a room in years and the major reason is the riducule factor. This is a major reason for avoiding this important part of sound production. I am wondering how many of you feel the same and have you tried to mask the treament by trying in someway to make it more attactive looking, if this is possible? Thank you all for reading this and I hope I hear and receive some good feedback. I just wish a Van Gogh or a Picasso would take up the hobbie of room treatment.

Showing 2 responses by mrjstark

Listener, which size of Brilliant Pebbles would you
recommend for a mid-size room. I am concern about 1st reflactions as well. How do I go about that???
here is the link to those picture panels

A great but not cheap product. WAF....bulls eye!!!
I ordered two. One with the picture of my daughter and the other is a skyline of my city. Cooool stuff.
It cost premium if you sand your pictures but they have a lots of choices to choose from.

So, how about those pebbles????