Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?
A Symphonic Line Reference one-box cdp -- for the last 7yrs.

It still works OK, a bit long in the tooth... it's satisfying AFA digital goes
Sony XA9000ES with Audioquest NRG-3 power cord and home grown interconnect made from 24 gauge solid (1+ve/2-ve) OFC/silver coated wire-wrap by Alpha Wire.

Dum de dum . da di da
Wadia WT 2000 with TEAC P2 VRDS mechanism upgrade, via Aural Symphonics ST Optimism V.2 glass fiber cable into Wadia 27 DAC. DAC to preamp: Purist Venustas XLR. Power cords, transport = Purist Venustas, DAC = Purist Dominus.(these are upgrades from my 7/05 post). The changes have brought my digital system just nanometers from my analog sound. But a nanometer is as good as a mile IMO ;--)
Linn Unidisk 2.1, or at least until around a week ago (I just sold it). If I get another player, it will likely be an Ikemi or a Unidisk 1.1. Right now I'm exploring wireless network options, and so far I must say I really miss my CD player.