Attenuator & Transformer for Moving Coil cartridge

my analog front end is as follows:
- Lyra Delos
-Clearaudio Performance turntable
_ Musical Fidelity XLPS-V3

I am delighted with the sound of this system. Obviously The turntable is connected to the MC connectors of the XLPS.
However, the other night I discovered that I had a SignetMK10T Transformer for Moving Coil cartridges from years ago unused in a box.
I wanted to start playing with transformers feeding into the MM input of my phono stage but then noticed that with the step up ratio of 1-15 of the Signet, given that Delos produces 0.6 mV this will present 9mV to the phono stage which is clearly way too high.

so my basic question is could placing HIFI quality attenuators between the transformer and the phono stage bring the voltage down to an acceptable 5mV level?

Would this have an adverse effect on the sound quality gains of using a transformer ? if not what value of attenuation should be used?

Thanks in advance for all your replies and advice.


Showing 1 response by folkfreak

I'm not sure a 1:15 would be that much of a problem -- the XLPS-V3 appears to have plenty of overload margin -- provided your preamp is comfortable with the level presented it may work

A more problematic issue may be load matching from cartridge to the step up -- the MK10T has a listed input impedance of 18ohms and the Delos an impedance of 8.2 ohms. Lyra state "recommended load via step up transformer is 5-15 ohms" so the MK10T may work -- there's a lot more discussion on this topic here