Attention to anyone on Texas Gulf Coast

Pay attention to the NEWS like you never did before. Rita is on her way, and it looks like she is heading toward coast of Texas. It is going to be a MAJOR Hurricane. Don't take it lightly. Evacuate if asked to. We, here on Mississippi Gulf Coast went, and still are going through horrors! Our towns are flattend, many many deaths and landscape is changed forever along with our lives. Be prepared. If staying, make sure have a lot of drinking water, for at least a week. Non-perishable food, plenty of candles and it would be great if you can get a generator. Chainsaw will be handy afterward. Make sure to have a plenty of gas, in the car(s) and reserve. Wish you luck!

Showing 1 response by hifimaniac

Global warming Swampwalker? Check out the article in the Financial Times and the Investors Business Daily recently that state global warming is not causing these hurricanes. In fact, Stanley Goldenberg, a meteorologist at National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration said: "I speak for many hurrican climate researchers in saying such claims of global warming causing this are nonsense. Katrina is part of a well-documented, multi-decadal scale fluctuation in hurrican activity." This cycle was described in a heavily cited article printed in Science magazine in 2001. In that article is a table clearly showing the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's had many more category three, four, and five hurricanes than we have seen in recent decades. Was that global warming too? Remember, in 1975 the consensus in the environmental universe predicted we were moving into another ice age! May I suggest you read the "Skeptical Environmentalist" by Borg Lomborg? Lomborg's book debunks many theories flying around by the anti growth, anti progress, environmental media.