Attention Minneapolis Audiophiles

I am in the process of a 30-day in home audition of a deHavilland mercury 2 tubed linestage, which is a new product showing amazing promise. Here's a link to the item.

Problem is I dont have another preamp (preferrable a tubed linestage) to compare it to. Making matters worse, I dont even have speakers at the moment - having just sold me Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage's (though i am expecting a set of Verity Audio Parsifal Encores next week).

If you are game, I would love to meet up for a little preamp head-to-head. I'd be happy to go to your place with the Merc 2 for a run, if anyone is interested.....

Showing 2 responses by lateguestsnomore


I have a Plasma pre-amp by NAT Audio that I am not using at the moment. (You can find more information at I am going to be in Minneapolis tomorrow afternoon. If you would like to borrow it, please send me e-mail.

If you would like to drive to Willmar to listen the pre-amp in my system, please let me know. I can always find time for that.

My system is under Analog. Pro Ac Response 2 is gone.
I have Response 3.8 now.

Best regards,
