Attention: Dunlavy Audio Labs out of business

I cannot believe that I am the first to post this.

Any comments to this? Was this just well known to everyone but me?

Showing 1 response by adamanteus

Why do you want to return these speakers? Have they suddenly begun sounding bad? Doubtful. You can get aftermarket replacements should they be needed, and keep in mind that unless you abuse the blazes out of speakers, they tend to last a long time and operate trouble-free. You may want to rethink your initial reaction. Though I don't own any Dunlavy, I can tell you that the ones I've heard are most impressive. (In your situation I too would probably be aggravated but would most likely stand pat after cooling off.) They still will do a terrific job, as they tend to be indifferent to the fact that they company's out of business.