ATI 2007 or ATI 1807

I am contemplating on one of the above. I have a small listening HT room
10ft x 10ft and I am presently using a Yamaha AVR RXA-3010 in a 9.2 set up.
I am planning to hold on to the Yamaha for now and use it as a pre-amp and buy a ATI 1807 or a 2007 for better dynamics and so on..
It their a huge improvement in sound quality with the ATI 2007 to justify the extra cost over the 1807?
I would be most grateful for any advice please.

Showing 1 response by jdlynch

It depends on the efficiency of your speakers and how hard they are to drive. If your speakers are fairly easy to drive, especially in that small of a room, the 1807 will be just fine. However, if I may say so, the size of your room seems small for a full 9.2 set-up. Additionally, you will have acoustical issues having basically a square room.