AT140ML vs AT8008 Any advice?

I have a good Audio Technica 8008 cartridge and an Audio Technica AT140ML with no stylus.

I have used the 8008 with good results and the 140Ml was a good one before the stylus broke (I broke it).

Question:  Should I just go with the 8008 on my new to me LP12 or get a stylus for the 140ML?  If so, what stylus would you suggest?

One more option:  I also have a Shure V15 mkII and a Shure M95ED but they both have replacement styluses (s') 

What say you?  Thanks


oem ML stylus $199.

I am using an AT140ML now in my office system.

ML stylus, it is a terrific cartridge, with great sound and excellent specs for superior imaging.

rare light tracking 0.8 to 1.8 gm

strong output 5.0mv

channel separation 30db

channel balance 0.75 db.

current equivalent

AT740ML $350.

Very nice, but it tracks a bit heavier, has good but slightly less signal strength, and it's imaging specs are CS 28 db; cb 1.0 db

IOW, for $200. you have a superior cartridge IMO.


Dear @durr3 : I still own the 8008 and owned the 140 too. Both very good performers, you can get a replacement stylus for the 140 through  LP Gear.

Other good alternative is to buy the JICO SAS  replacement stylus for your  95ED that transform that Shure cartridge.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


If you can bag the one which looks quite tidy in the Link for the price as shown, this can be at your door for approx' $150. There is also a cheaper option, I will not bid if this one is off interest to you. 

I'm collecting Cart's of this type now as Donors Models. To be repurposed to support future rebuild projects to combine OCC with PCCCC, now a attractive gauge of the latter wire is sourced. I suppose the Donor Cart's for the rebuilds, can be said to fit into the Circular Economy Philosophy.

There is interesting discoveries to be had in the upcoming months with a certain range of Cart's, which will most likely be 'firsts' of the type produced, where materials selected and the Circular Economy is concerned.