I have been using an OC9/II for years.  (I tried a Lyra Clavis da Capo with "mixed" results.)  I'm interested in opinions of those who have owned or listened seriously to both comparing the two.  Is there a difference?  If so, what characteristics differentiate the two?  Is one better than the other?  Is  there any reason to spend the extra on an OC9/III?

The cart will be mounted in a JMW-12 arm on a VPI Aries (Extended) running into a Herron VTPH-2a phono stage.  

Showing 1 response by neonknight

I have owned the OC9 II, III, and the 50ANV. The OC9 III has a noticeably different presentation than the II. The earlier cartridge has always been voiced to be a bit cool in the best of circumstances, and in the worst it can be bright and lean. 

The III is richer, with more meat on the bones in the lower mids, and a top end that is more controlled. The bass response is fantastic, with it being solid and powerful. It is a nice cartridge that can be had in the $500 range if a person shops carefully, and its a good value in my opinion.