At a Levinson crossroads .... need advice.

I need a little advice folks ...

About two years ago I purchased a Mark Levinson No.360S DAC and was very pleased with how it fit into my system. To this I added a No. 37 transport to match the 360S and was initially happy with that as well.

Here is a breakdown of what I put together :

Modwright SWL 9.0 Linestage
Mark Levinson No. 23.5 Amplifier (Summer)
McIntosh MC275 Amplifier (Winter)
Mark Levinson No.360S DAC
Mark Levinson No.37 transport
Proac Response D Two
Velodyne DD-10

Cardas Crosslink ICs
Acoustic Zen ICs
Signal Cable Silver ICs
Cobalt Cable 10 GA copper speaker cable

Like I stated before; I am very, very pleased with the sound. I have the system in a medium sized bedroom converted into a listening space. Everything was wonderful for about 3-4 months and then the transport started to skip. After a month or two of occasional skipping it started skipping all the time. I took it in locally to a trusted tech and he did the best he could but it didn’t help. I purchased the No. 37 from a seller on Audiogon but I felt enough time had gone by that it wasn’t fair to ask for assistance. I had only put 15-20 hours on the unit but I feel you have a fairly short time after the purchase of an item to report a problem. Six months after a purchase is just too far down the road for me. I have my PC plugged into the 360S as well and listen to FLAC files more than CDs but I do like to spin a CD every now and then. I paid close to $2K for the 37 and not it sits on the rack covered and silent.

My question is "What to do?" I found out the only place to get the unit repaired is Pyramid audio in Texas and I have read mixed reviews on their service. I called and talked to a technician and repairs could easily run over $1000. I have emailed a few members selling units and asked about the No. 37's reliability. Most people I talk to were pretty happy with the units. I was wondering who else out there has gone though this experience and how did it work out? Anyone out there happy with their No. 37 repairs from Pyramid? Any estimate on what this will do to me financially? I am wondering if I have a defective unit and should sell it as is for a fair price and move on or maybe it just needs a new laser assembly and it will be good as new. I'm not all that familiar with this unit but it's a big turn off when Harmon bows out of repairing vintage ML gear and will only supply parts to one or two repair shops in the world. Certainly there are gifted techs out there that could do the work if they could only get the parts. I certainly don’t want to play "tennis" with this unit shipping it back and forth to Texas if the repairs are not complete. If I put another $1000 into this thing and have more problems I'm going to be less than happy.

As always you input is appreciated.


Showing 2 responses by jeffb28451

My experience with Levinson was dark, dank and smelly. New $8k DAC, orphaned, promised upgrades never materialized, $5k amp, defective on off switch and premature cap death, found out it was my problem (even though they knew about the issues) $5k pre-amp, unserviceable for the costs involved, after a 5 year life.

Their ex-head tech, before Harmon took over said I should buy a nice new shotgun for my other hobby before spendig money on any new ML or repair costs. He knew what was coming, evidently.

I've been in high end about 30 years now and have never, ever had a company, OF ANY SORT, treat repairs or customer service so arrogantly and the repair costs are just nothing short of unconscionable, IF anybody gives enough of a damn to even try. I've heard horror stories about repair ATTEMPTS that cost a fortune and were a total waste.

I don't know about the repair places mentioned, but I've heard about the costs and quite spotty repairs. I'm sure that's not all true, but I voted with my pocketbook, cut my loses, and sold it for the disappointment that it had become.

Great solution. You've done a great "think through" and you're not throwing out the baby with the bathwater, so to speak (like I did): you're carefully exorcising the demons.

Have fun listening