Assistance to place my Focal 1007 BE

Hi all, I have a narrow apartment, 4meters wide and about 8 meters long, but there is a stair well that goes down and also a small kitchen.

At one end is glass windows, covered by blinds

i have placed my speakers on their stands on one of the long walls (the wall that houses the stair well)

Can someone assist in telling me how far apart each speaker should be from rear wall, side wall and each other? Unforunately there isnt much room between the speakers and I when im on the couch (which is also hard against the rear wall)

The listening area would be about 6x4meters


Showing 1 response by saki70

If possible , set the speakers the same distance apart as they are from you in your listening position . An equal lateral triangle , if you will . Then play with the toe-in
for best sound stage . Also put some sound absorption behind you . Keep the space between you and the speakers and the space between the speakers empty . If one or both of the speakers need to be close to a side wall or hard piece of furniture , put some absorption material there .
Put a mirror on that surface , behind the speaker face , and then go forward toward the front of the speaker . When you can see the face of the speaker in the mirror that will be the starting point for the absorption material . Go from there a foot or so further forward . You can use your absorption panel , a decorative blanket or tapestry or hang a heavy winter wool coat on a hook .
I've owned the JM Labs 1007's and did not get a lot of sound stage with them . On the other hand , I had the JM Labs 926's and received an enormous sound stage !

Good luck .