Assemblage 3.1 or MSB platinum

Have heard the platinum in a friend's system, but am unable to audition the 3.1 unless I buy one. Maybe that's what I'll have to do. Was hoping someone could give me an idea of how the 3.1 compares to the best out there, and if possible to the msb platinum. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by madisonears

Amazing that I also am running the 3.1 into B&W 802's with North Creek outboard Xovers, and I find it very musical, with not a hint of brightness. I upgraded the cheapo standard opamps to the far more expensive model (part of the PLATINUM upgrade package), and the sound improved greatly. I am using my CAL Icon MkII as a transport, run the 3.1 balanced to a Bryston BP-25 preamp and BAT VK-200 amp. Sounds like beautiful music to me!