ASL Mini Phono

I'm looking for a temporary solution to a problem I have with brightness in my system, and I am considering buying the Antique Sound Lab Mini Phono, which seems to be well constructed, cheap n' cheerful, and best of all has tubes. Eventually (probably soon) I will move this to my secondary system, unless it turns out to be terrific. Does anyone out there own this phono stage? I don't want to spend more than roughly $300, so I will accept suggestions. Remember, I am not looking for state of the art, I am looking for musical, smooth, fun, cheap, and giant killer! I'd also like experiences with the NAD PP2, Rotel, and others in this price range. Please help!

Showing 1 response by sober1

I compared several of the low cost solid state phono pres' you mentioned here as well as a few others and found them to be somewhat dry and lifeless to me. I ran them against a Dyna PAS 3-X, which easily bested them all IMO. I have a friend who owns and operates a small audio endeavor, who swears by the ASL unit(he uses one at home). Be aware it runs less than the advertised gain, so unmodified you'll need a fairly high gain MM to get the best sonic benifit. Also, could be a tweaker's delight. They sell almost immediately here when they come up for sale used. I have not heard it yet myself yet I plan on giving one a serious listen by this summer.
