ASL Mini Phono

I'm looking for a temporary solution to a problem I have with brightness in my system, and I am considering buying the Antique Sound Lab Mini Phono, which seems to be well constructed, cheap n' cheerful, and best of all has tubes. Eventually (probably soon) I will move this to my secondary system, unless it turns out to be terrific. Does anyone out there own this phono stage? I don't want to spend more than roughly $300, so I will accept suggestions. Remember, I am not looking for state of the art, I am looking for musical, smooth, fun, cheap, and giant killer! I'd also like experiences with the NAD PP2, Rotel, and others in this price range. Please help!

Showing 1 response by jedinite24

I know some time has passed on this thread but does anyone else have any thoughts or experiences on the ASL Mini Phono they would like to share? I'm getting more addicted to tubes and was thinking about getting the ASL Mini Phono to replace a Cambridge Audio 640P Phono preamp I currently have. I'd be using a Ortofon OM20 or OM30 MM cart with it. Arm is an Origin Live modded Rega RB250. Tubes would be newer JJ, Ruby, or Tung Sols.
