ASIO4ALL Crackles With Wavelength Audio Brick


Has anyone installed asio4all and experience it generates soft crackles every 10 min or so? I selected the USB Audio Device (I use a USB DAC Wavelength Brick) and I made sure that the "Always resample 44Hz" box is checked but it still hear these annoying crackles. I use iTunes. Before installing asio4all, this didn´t happen.

I don't know what latency compensation is either, nor the proper settings for asio4all. Gordon Rankin from Wavelength recommends using it, since he argues Windows audio data gets mucked before going to the USB port. From his site:

"Windows has a terrible little problem called the K-Mixed. It basically is a component of Windows that mucks with the data before it goes out the USB port. To fix that problem there is a little free program called that replaces the K-Mixer and sends out unaltered data to the USB Port.Ounce you have installed the USB DAC through Windows setup wizard. Now install ASIO4ALL and select the DAC using it's utility."

Thanks for your help.


Showing 2 responses by josep_hernandez

Yes, I just did. He told me that asio4all does not work with iTunes. I have been reading many threads these afternoon suggesting iTunes can be linked to Foobar through a pluggin which would allow to use asio4all. Unfortunately, Foobar does not support Apple Lossless right of the bat, so you have to get a special pluggin for that. Apparently, this pluggin is buggy.

I just want to play Apple Lossless using iTunes avoiding problems with KMixer from Windows.

Any suggestions?
I did further research and you're right, so far, there's no way around kmixer with a PC if one intends to use iTunes and Apple Lossless. Apparently, Foobar's previous version 0.83 could be linked to iTunes to run the backend, but unfortunately did not play ALAC (Apple Lossless). On the contrary, the new version, 0.9 can play ALAC but can´t be linked to iTunes. Apparently, Foobar v.9 allows to do Kernel streaming which avoids kmixer, but so far I either have to choose between the Wavelength Brick USB Dac or the Kernel streaming which does not recognizes the DAC.

Gordon just told me that the new Windows Vista won't have the kmixer, so I will wait and see.