ASIO4ALL Crackles With Wavelength Audio Brick


Has anyone installed asio4all and experience it generates soft crackles every 10 min or so? I selected the USB Audio Device (I use a USB DAC Wavelength Brick) and I made sure that the "Always resample 44Hz" box is checked but it still hear these annoying crackles. I use iTunes. Before installing asio4all, this didnĀ“t happen.

I don't know what latency compensation is either, nor the proper settings for asio4all. Gordon Rankin from Wavelength recommends using it, since he argues Windows audio data gets mucked before going to the USB port. From his site:

"Windows has a terrible little problem called the K-Mixed. It basically is a component of Windows that mucks with the data before it goes out the USB port. To fix that problem there is a little free program called that replaces the K-Mixer and sends out unaltered data to the USB Port.Ounce you have installed the USB DAC through Windows setup wizard. Now install ASIO4ALL and select the DAC using it's utility."

Thanks for your help.


Showing 3 responses by jc51373

I tried the Windows/ASIO mix, for a few weeks. Then bought a MAC Book, and the difference was simply astounding. I was shocked, and quite honestly the only reason I bought the MAC book was to give the Brick a fair shake in my system. Glad I did, because it was the answer.

MAC drivers very simply have MUCH better control over the hardware than anything in a Windows machine. Not to mention the hardware is actually much better.

If you are having a problems with the WinASIO combo, give a MAC a shot if budget allows. Its the answer.
Jeff, good luck man..I promise there will be a difference sonically, not to mention the MAC is just easier to use.

Where'd you get your Cosecant? How do you like it so far?
Funny....Don is where I got my stuff from too, he is a great guy. Best service around.

Haven't tried the clicker, heard about it. In my application I don't have a use for it.

So how long have you had your Cosecant? Must love it huh?