As A Youngster, What Unit Puqued Your Interest In All This?

I figure a lot of us here started hearing music through stand-up furniture stereos and/or composite units (mine was a Craig tt, receiver, 8-track). Then, one day I saw and listened to my cousin’s Pioneer Spec amps (with equalizer and oscilloscope) supporting a Beogram 4004. He also had a Teac R2-D2, but it was the 4004 that had the ever-lasting magnetic effect. What piece of equipment got you?


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It was My buddy's system:

Hitachi receiver

Unknown turntable

Pioneer Cassette Deck with fluoroscan meters

Realistic Mach One speakers

...followed within a few years (early '80s) with my own:

Luxman L450 Integrated

Luxman Graphic EQ

Nakamichi LX-5 3-head cassette deck

Pioneer PL-200 (?) direct drive turntable with Pickering XV-15 cartridge

Realistic Mach One speakers.

...oh yeah, there was also that first time I heard Rush in my other buddy's car on a Craig stereo of some sort--Cygnus X-1 and............I was hooked.