As A Youngster, What Unit Puqued Your Interest In All This?

I figure a lot of us here started hearing music through stand-up furniture stereos and/or composite units (mine was a Craig tt, receiver, 8-track). Then, one day I saw and listened to my cousin’s Pioneer Spec amps (with equalizer and oscilloscope) supporting a Beogram 4004. He also had a Teac R2-D2, but it was the 4004 that had the ever-lasting magnetic effect. What piece of equipment got you?


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Music and electronics when I was around 8 years old.  1962ish. My dad found out that we could help Salvation Army Thrift take apart big donated furniture stereo tv consoles for $5.00.  Speakers, turntables, AM FM radios, amplifiers.  I experimented and built a lot.  Looking back, woodworking lacked very much. 

Come high school. Frequented our big audio store here.  Drool and dream.  That is where I met a Paragon speaker.  Lafayette Electronics came with Altec and Yamaha.  Of course, their Criterion gear.  Part time work brought me a Kenwood receiver, Criterion speakers, Garrard turntable.

Graduated.  1974 full time job.  Slowly upgrading.  One day I dropped into a small brick mortar tv repair shop and stereo.  I got to know the owner and salespeople. One of the salespeople was into this thing call High End.  Underground.  By appointment only cult.  Yup.  I've been screwed up ever since.