Artists that use the same song structure... different songs.

I've noticed it before. More recently, it was hard to ignore while listening to SRV "I'm Cryin'" all the while I was thinking "Pride & Joy". Thoughts?

It does seem beneath him.

Showing 2 responses by swampwalker

"Bluegrass is full of spectacular guitarists."
And vocalists- Alison Krauss being only the most well known; there's also EmmyLou Harris and Dolly Parton (don't laugh, listen to some of her real bluegrass stuff).
As for players, how about Mark O'Connor or Jay Unger on the violin, David Grisman on Mandolin or Bela Fleck on banjo. World class musicianship.

And not to nit-pick Martykl, but Jerry Douglass is most well known as the absolute premier dobro player in the known universe. And yes, I know some may say that a dobro is just a guitar laid across someone's lap.
Martykl- I should know better than to criticize someone w the good taste to recognize Mr. Douglas' skill.

Schubert- The people who laugh at Dolly do so, imo, by judging her w their eyes, not their ears. Although I will admit that when she goes too Nashville/Vegas, the whole package can be a bit over the top.