I was about to make Frogman's post - almost word for word. The observation re: the blues also applies (tho less precisely) to basic rock n roll song structures. Chuck Berry's song structures are almost as limited as haiku - and therein lies the art: Can you make compelling music within the strict limitations of the form?
I don't see this as a criticism at all. Creating within a norrow environment is not only an artistic challenge, but it's a challenge in which the results are often satisfying at a very basic and fundamental level. There's something essential (and, weirdly, "elegant") about a great rock n roll or blues song. In an even weirder sense, I get a similar sense of satisfaction from a well executed plate of sashimi.
At the other end of the same spectrum (and without drawing an equivalency to blues or rock music), Bach often works within a narrower range of expression than did later Western classical composers. I'd argue that his music lies within a sharply less expansive universe of expression than someone like Beethoven, yet I'd never diminish his work for that reason.
Sometimes, IMO the best answer is the simplest - and the simplest answer is found within the tightest limits.
I don't see this as a criticism at all. Creating within a norrow environment is not only an artistic challenge, but it's a challenge in which the results are often satisfying at a very basic and fundamental level. There's something essential (and, weirdly, "elegant") about a great rock n roll or blues song. In an even weirder sense, I get a similar sense of satisfaction from a well executed plate of sashimi.
At the other end of the same spectrum (and without drawing an equivalency to blues or rock music), Bach often works within a narrower range of expression than did later Western classical composers. I'd argue that his music lies within a sharply less expansive universe of expression than someone like Beethoven, yet I'd never diminish his work for that reason.
Sometimes, IMO the best answer is the simplest - and the simplest answer is found within the tightest limits.