Artists' lps that don't get the respect deserved

Allman Brothers "Enlightened Rouges".  I've always enjoyed this one. It's always a treat to listen to and has great sonics. To beat it all, it's easily found used. In fact, I'm listening right now. (Is it because Don Johnson has some credits?) Thoughts? Suggestions? More importantly, put it on and enjoy!

Showing 2 responses by oblgny

"Live In The Air Age" - Be Bop Deluxe
Beats their studio work by a country mile not to mention a great recording. Call it progressive, call it art rock, Bill Nelson gets overlooked for his guitar work.  

Second the vote for Long Player.  

Say You Will - Fleetwood Mac
A far better album than Tusk or any of the "modern era" Mac stuff. Still a little too personal lyrics-wise and kind of annoying because of that, but Buckingham knows his way around a studio and a total sonic treat overall.