Art Audio Carissa vs deHavilland 845 tube amps

Has anyone compared the Art Audio Carissa and the deHavilland 845-based amps? Both appear to be very dynamic and musical amps, but the deHavilland is apparently somewhat veiled in terms of detail. I understand there several current production 845 tubes now available. These would be driving 88 db speakers with a tube-friendly flat 4 ohm load. I would appreciate any inputs on these products. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by gliderguider

I've never heard an Art Audio amp, but the deHavilland 845s I had were lovely, especially with the new Shuguang 845B tubes. I'm not one of those who is thrilled with the 845 sound however, but my local dealer is. When I asked him to sell the deHavillands for me, he took one listen and promptly traded me his Canary preamp for them. He's still thrilled 6 weeks later. They're seriously butch amps, just as bit too romantic and bloomy for me.