Armwand removal on Technics EPA-B500 tonearm..

Because the headshell on my Technics EPA-A501H armwand is fixed, I'd like to take the arm off to install a new cartridge. Is it as simple as loosening the tonearm lock screw and just pulling it out? I don't want to tug on it and start pulling on/breaking connector pins by accident. Amazingly enough, I can't locate any manuals on the interchangeable armwands for this tonearm, which would probably give me the info I need. Also, I'm curious as to what protractor to use to align an Ortofon OM cart. The null points for this tonearm don't line up with Baerwald or Stevenson. Should I just get the 15mm overhang right and not worry about the rest? Would appreciate any input.

Showing 3 responses by cabman6

Thank you very much.
And yes, I would appreciate the PDF.
Out of curiosity, what alignment protractor would you recommend for this tonearm and an Ortofon OM-10 cart?


If you get a chance, please e-mail the PDF to me at
Thanks again.