Arm / Cartridge: How to pick the best combo ?

This is a three part question.

Are there any good sources that really explain how to match arm mass with cartridge compliance ?

What are your preferences in terms of straight vs "S" or "J" shaped arms and why ? For sake of clarity, i'm talking about "straight" pivoted arms and not "straight-line" aka "linear tracking" arms.

What are your thoughts on arms with integral vs removable headshells ? Preferences ?

I am probably going to purchase a pivoted arm or two for TT's that i'll be setting up and giving as gifts. As such, i'd like to do some research before spending any money. Sean

Showing 1 response by egoss

Hi Sean-
If you are looking for an affordable arm/cartidge combo - since they're going to be gifts I can't imaging your budget stretching to a couple of Koetsus :-) - I would highly recommend the Rega 250 or 300 tonearms with the Rega Bias or Elys cartridges. The cartridges are very musical, and the arms are considered to be bargains. I've used all four in various combinations in smaller systems, and they are very phono-section friendly, and make wonderful music. They're easy to set up, match together perfectly, and will last their owners well into their upgrade path, if they choose that route.
Good Luck!