Ariston Tunrtable

I have bought a Ariston RD-11E turntable recently in a pawn shop and was wondering if any of our fellows audiophile have had any experience with this turntable ( Does it sound great, what type of cartridge do you use with this table) I was also looking for the schematics because I am planing to rebuild the power supply with better parts.


Showing 1 response by david99

I had a RD 80 with a unipivot Magnapan arm.I used a Ortofon MC-20,a Grado Platnum and Sonata with great rsults.Depends on what arm you have on it I guess as far as what cartridge to use.It had a nice smooth,easy sound to it.I replaced it with a Rega P-25 but I still think of the RD-80.I loved the looks and feel of it.It had a very nice,almost soft cover on it.I was pretty easy to set up too.The arm was a bit confusing at first.Funky arm for sure that Magnepan.